The Milkweed Diaries

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Saturday Nite in the Swannanoa Valley

Last eve included an outdoor bath with banjo, bass, and bagpipe music wafting from the neighbor's place, and harvesting this basket of produce, which I carried over to the famous Healing Savvy Gardens for dinner, a walk, and an obscure French movie with SF, Seb, and LJ. We ate some excellent baba ganoush, too, and discussed tomato irrigation.

I received a very large zucchini as a gift, and learned a few things about the Spanish fascist dictator Franco.

Hot times in the ruburbs.


Dana said...

Beth, Good blogging- you're on it! Your garden stuff looks beautiful- the food and especially the sunflowers. Can you believe it's almost August??? Cheers.

wholesale perennials said...
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